Vladimir Tokarev

Vladimir Tokarev
Head of the Laboratory of Reconfigurable and Mobile Systems, member of the Academic Council of the CE Faculty, Associate Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Ph.D,, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 57188622143
Documents by author:14
Total citations:86
Google Scholar ID: IlYm0DsAAAAJ&imq
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1983, he entered the Kharkov Institute of Radio electronics (HIRE) and in 1988 – graduate in engineering and design of radio equipment at the Faculty of electronic and computing equipment design, Qualification: engineer-technologist of radio equipment

Diploma: Pvt. 761069 June 24, 1988.

Educational activity

Head of the educational and scientific laboratory  Reconfigurable and mobile systems”

Research activities

Responsible executor of the state budget agreement F76 / 109-2017 “Creation of scientific and methodological basis for ensuring the survivability of network information exchange systems under conditions of external influence of high-power microwave radiation”. 2017 year.

Publications and patents

More than 90 published works, 1 patent