Vitalii Lyakhovets

Vitalii Lyakhovets
Senior Researcher of the Department of INE

Education and Career

1976 – graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics specializing in radio engineering.

1976 – engineer of the plant “Arsenal”, Kiev

1977g. senior engineer, since 1978 a junior researcher and since 1980 a senior scientific employee of the department of radio receivers (later renamed into the department of signal reception and processing, the chair of the Sayaz networks and the department of information and network engineering, all KNURE)

Research activities

Since 1977, as an artist, he has participated in the implementation of more than 15 state-budget and state budget research, including:

 Development of applied methods for digital information processing and signal synthesis in integrated mobile communication networks “

 “Development of digital technologies for transformation and management of information flows in intelligent communication networks”

“Development of applied methods for digital information processing and signal synthesis in integrated mobile networks” “Technologies for creating integrated information systems based on digital mobile communication etworks” «Technologies and facilities for the provision of integrated communication, navigation and surveillance services in next-generation mobile communication networks. “

“Technologies for creating and optimizing multi-channel interactive automated infocommunication systems based on next-generation mobile communication networks”

Development of software for the notification and automatic registration of subscriber channels in computer telephony systems.

“Development of software for computer centers for processing telephone calls (Call Center) for DTR devices.

“Development of a communication line monitoring program for Call Center DTR computer call centers”.

International activities / participation in international projects

International program “ARK-IX / 1” on the study of polar regions; International program “Memory of the Baltic” to study the areas of death sea-going ships; International STCU program “Creation of an element base for video pulse georadars”.

Publications and patents

Author of more than 20 publications