Viktor Levykin

Viktor Levykin
Professor of Information Control System Department, Рrofessor of the Department of Radio Technologies of Information and Communication systems (part-time), Member of EMC Presidium, Head of the Section 3 of EMC, Member of STC, Vice Chief Editir of "MIS and Devises", Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: Hxo5tNsAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1970 graduated from the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics with honors in the specialty “Automation and Telemechanics”.

In 1970 – Junior Researcher at the Department of Automated Control Systems. In 1974 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, thesis defended at the Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics.

In 1974 – Assistant of the Department of Automated Control Systems.

In 1974 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Automated Control Systems.

In 1977 – Associate Professor of the Department of Automated Control Systems. In 1979 received the title of Assistant Professor. In 1996 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.06 – automated control systems and progressive information technologies, thesis defended at the Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics. In1996 received the title of professor.

In 1992-1999 the Dean of the Faculty of Foreign Studying.

In 1999-2006 Director of the Institute of Computer and Information Technologies.

In 1994 – Head of the Department of Automated Control Systems of the Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics (since 1997 – Department of Information Control Systems of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics).

from 2024 – professor of the department of radio technologies of information and communication systems (part-time)

Educational activity

Teaches courses: «Information Systems Design», «Methodology of Agile Development of Information systems», «Information Systems and Technology in Project Management».

Researcher activity

Head of the scientific school “Technologies for the development of integrated information systems”.

Throughout his work at the department he was the head of state budget research: «Development of methodology, methods and models of creation of distributed logistical computerized systems of organizational technological control with required parameters; «Research of methodology, development of information technologies, methods and models of creation of the main components of a typical distributed logistics information management system»; «Development of Information and Analytical System with Distributed Artificial Intelligence (“University”)»; «Research and development of methodologies, technologies of designing information systems and their software and hardware elements»; «Development of the subsystem “Cadres” (“Development of the typical informational and analytical system” University “(second phase)”)»; «Development of models and elements of information technologies for operational monitoring and management of bachelor’s and masters’ training processes»; «Development of models, methods and elements of information technologies for the analysis and control of educational and scientific activity of a higher educational establishment»; «Methods and models of Web services construction for business process management tasks in the intellectual information environment»; «Theory, methods and models of regional socio-economic objects intellectual information environments life cycle management»; head  of contract works for SE «Plant them. V. А. Malyshev»; «Development of subsystem of collection, transmission and processing of information in RIAP NP»; «Creation of the launch complex of the Kharkiv territorial subsystem of the Government information and analytical system on emergencies»; «Development of the subsystem of operational control of the state of electric power equipment in the State Enterprise NEC “Ukrenergo”»; «Development of Information Management System for Educational Process (1st Quarter)»; «Research and administration of hardware and software included in the computer network»; «Development of information system of FFU “Uniform base. Version 2»». Since 2015 – a member of the specialized academic council D 64.052.08 for the protection of doctoral and candidate’s theses at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Social activities

Сarried professional examination of higher education standard on specialty 126 “Information Systems and Technologies” for undergraduate (bachelor) level of higher education.

International activity / participation in international projects

Head of the Laboratory of Internet Technologies.

State awards

The sign “Excellence in Education of Ukraine” No. 45596 dated 10.07.2000, the Medal “Veteran of Labor” dated 23.05.1990, the medal “For labor valor” No. 447478 dated 09.09.1986, the honorary mark of KNURE “For Services” No. 5 dated 14.10.2005, the breastplate of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions “For active work in the trade union”, the certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 127828 from 2009, the certificate of honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 66047 from 2000, the diploma and the scholarship of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration dated 16.03.2007 named V. Sviridov in the field of informatics and computer sciences for outstanding scientists, thanking from the chairman of the Kharkiv Regional Council S. Chernov for active research and practical activity in the field of information technologies, high professionalism and active public position from 2001, diploma of the winner of the regional competition “Higher School of Kharkiv Region – Best Names “(“The Best Head of the Department”) from 2004.

Publications and patents

Has over 400 publications, including 2 monographs, 13 tutorials.