Victor Ruzhentsev

Victor Ruzhentsev
Professor of Department of information technology security, Member of Specialized Scientific Council, Member of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 3BFunE0AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2000 – graduated from Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE) specialty «Security of Information in computer systems».

2000 – 2003 – Postgraduate student in KhNURE for scientific specialty 05.13.21 «Information security systems».

Ph.D. – 2004. 2004 Associate professor, Associate professor, Dep. of Information Technologies Security.

2008 – the academic title of Associate professor, Dep. of Information Technologies Security.

2016 – Doctor of Science in scientific specialty 05.13.21 «Information security systems».

Dissertation topic: “Methods and tools for assessing the strength of symmetric cryptographic transformations”.

Since 2016 to present – Professor, Dep. of Information Technologies Security in Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics (KhNURE).

Educational activity

Teaches courses:

  • hardware information security
  • analysis of the system and crypto-protocols
  • methods of mathematical modeling and process optimization
  • monitoring and auditing of information and communication systems

Researcher activity

Research interests:

  • methods of cryptographic anаlysis and protection of information

Significant publications.

  • Ruzhentsev, V., Sokurenko, V., Ulyanchenko, Y. (2018). Analysis of probabilities of differentials for block cipher “Kalyna” (DSTU 7624:2014).Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies,4(9 (94), 14–19.
  • Порівняльний аналіз ARX схем шифрування / В.І. Руженцев // Радіотехніка : Всеукр. міжвід. наук.- техн. зб. 2020. Вип. 202. C. 79 – 86.
  •  Руженцев В.І., Федюшин О.І.,  Кохан С.А. (2021). Аналіз стійкості arx схем шифрування до інтегральної атаки та атаки нездійснених диференціалів.- Харків, Радіотехніка: Всеукр. міжвід. наук.- техн. зб. 2021. Вип. 207. C. 66 – 73. DOI:10.30837/rt.2021.4.207.06.
  • Ruzhentsev, V. The conditions of provable security of block ciphers against truncated differential attack//Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 2015, 52(2), pp. 176–184.
  • Ruzhentsev, V., Dolgov, V. Towards Provable Security of Rijndael-Like Spn Ciphers Against Differential Attacks//Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publicationsthis link is disabled, 2012, 53(1), pp. 189–199.

International activity / participation in international projects

Advanced training (internship) from May 20 to 31, 2019 at the Wroclaw Technical University at the Department of Telecommunications and Teleinformatics, Faculty of Electronics (Republic of Poland).

The experience of international institutional cooperation within the framework of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) was gained, and international applications for research works and joint projects in the field of education under the patronage of NAWA were prepared and submitted.

Publications and patents

Has over 150 scientific publications, 3 patents.