Valentyna Kyrii

Valentyna Kyrii
Head of the Post-graduate Studies Department, Associate professor of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department (part time), Member of Academic Council, Member of STC Presidium, Member of EMC Presidium, Section # 2 Secretary, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: g3bvUZYAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1997 – graduated from KhTTURE, specialty “Software of Computer Science and Automation Systems”, engineer- programmer;
1999 – graduated from KhGTURE, specialty “Information Systems in Management”, engineer-economist;
1999-2002 – postgraduate student of the Department of Economics and Management (renamed the Department of Economic Cybernetics) Since 2002 – assistant of the Department of Economic Cybernetics;
In 2005 – candidate of economic sciences; specialty 08.06.01 – Economics, organization and management of enterprises, “Organization and economic supplies of information flows menagement (electrical power market taken as an example)”;
Since 2005 – Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics;
2007 – Associate Professor at the Department of Economic Cybernetics.

Since 2023 – Head of the Department of Postgraduate Studies and Doctoral Studies.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Modelling of Economic Processes”, “Management of Informatization Projects”, “Economics and Business”, “Economics of Software”, “Information and Analytical Support of Economic Security”, “Strategic and Innovative Management of Financial and Economic Security”.

Researcher activity

Was involved in research projects (by public and private R & D financing) “Theoretical and practical approaches to the modeling of modern enterprise management systems”, “Regulation  of Personnel Management at Energy Enterprises and Provision”.

Directions of scientific activity: Information support of the enterprise activity, Economic and mathematical modeling, Economics of IT enterprises.

Publications and patents

Has about 100 publications including 5 monographs.