Valentyna Kovalova

Valentyna Kovalova
Head of department educational literature

Education and Career

She graduated from the institute Kharkiv State Institute of Culture in the specialty in Library Science and Bibliography.

She has a certificate of professional development of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture in the specialty Information, Library and Archival Affairs.

She has worked at the KNURE since 1994. Since 2006 – Leading Librarian, since 2008 – Head the sector. The current position is from 2015.

In the field of professional activity – the question of provision of users of the library of all categories to the educational-methodical literature on the basis of the subscription form of service and organizing the work of the large reading room.

Research activities

She conducts research on the quality of library user services.

State Awards

She is honored by the rector of the university and thanks to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.