Valentyn Yesilevskyi

Valentyn Yesilevskyi
Associate professor of Department of Applied Mathematics, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: kXWtobgAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1980 – graduated from the Kharkiv State University (KhDU), specialty “Applied Mathematics”, qualification – Mathematics.

1980 -1991 – Software Developer at the SPKTI AS design institute holding positions ranging from engineer to sector manager.

1991 – Postgraduate student of the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KhIRE).

1995 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (PhD). Dissertation was defended in KNURE.

1996 – Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics (KNURE).

2002 – Associate Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics was awarded.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Computational geometry and computer graphics, Image processing and multimedia, Artificial intelligence systems, Computer vision, video analytics.

Researcher activity

Graphical Informational System of Gas Transportation; Geoinformational System of Sewerage; Real-Time System for Mining and Processing of Information from Remote Pump Stations; Monitoring of Rolling Mills Vibrations;  SCADA System of Auto Transport Enterprise Based on GPS-technology; SCADA System Elevators Control for Smart Home; GIS Applications Based on Google Maps; IP telephony; 3D Modeling in MS WPF.

Publications and patents

Has 35 scientific publications, 1 patent.