Valentyn Liubchenko

Valentyn Liubchenko
Associate Professor of Informatics Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: tSfdrEYAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1999 – he graduated from Kharkiv Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty – Informatics, qualification – Engineer-Mathematician, Honors degree.

2003 – Assistant, then Senior Lecturer of the Informatics Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

2003 (autumn) – he graduated from post-graduate school.

Since 2004 – Ph.D. (Technology), specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modeling and Computational Methods., Scientific leader: Dr. Sc., Prof. Yevhen P. Putiatin (Defense: June 22, 2004, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, thesis: “Methods of One-Dimensional Normalization of Affine Transformations in the Tasks of Image Recognition”)

Since September 1, 2005 – Associate Professor, Informatics Department, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics.

In 2011 – he was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Informatics Department.

Educational Activity

Currently teaches the courses: “Algorithmic Languages and Programming”, “Programming”, “Object-Oriented Programming”, “Neural Network Method of Visual Information Processing”.

He has experience in teaching such disciplines:

  • “Operations Research”,
  • “Programming Technologies”,
  • “Intelligent Math Engineer Toolkit”.

He supervises bachelors and masters. The topics of the thesis are related to image processing, information system design, web-applications of different directions.

Researcher Activity

Field of research: content-based data analysis, multimedia data analysis, information system design.

Social Activity

He is the group curator; he is responsible for the “University Open Days”.

Publications and Patents

He has over 20 publications.