Tetyana Zhemchuzhkina

Tetyana Zhemchuzhkina
Associate Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Member of STC, Candidate of technical sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: reZK7dkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1998 – electronics engineer, Kharkiv technical university of radio electronics, specialty – Biotechnical and medical apparatus and systems.

2003 – Candidate of technical sciences, Kharkiv national university of radio electronics, specialty: 05.11.17 – Medical devices and systems. Thesis: «Computer differential diagnostics of disorders of carbohydrate metabolism based on mono-compartmental mathematical models».

2012 – associate professor of biomedical electronic devices and systems department

Educational activity

Lecture courses: methods of biomedical signal processing, modelling of biological processes and systems, medical informatics.

Research activities

Scientific interests: development of methods of processing and analysis of biomedical signals, mathematical modeling of biological processes and systems.

Tutorship: post-graduate courses for Candidates of Science in 05.11.17 – Medical devices and systems.

Social activities

Supervisor of student scientific group: biomedical signal processing.

Publications and patents


Articles – reports – 18

Scientific and technical product – 4

Guide – 1

Methodical enclosures – 3