Tetiana Ore

Tetiana Ore
Head of department Acquisitions

Education and Career

She graduated from the institute Kharkiv State Institute of Culture in the specialty in Library Science and Bibliography.

She has a certificate of advanced training Institute of Postgraduate Education of the National Academy of Cultural and Arts Management.

She has been working at the library since 1997. Since 2005 – Head of the Scientific and Bibliographic Department, from 2013 – Head of the Department of Educational Literature. In the current position – from 2015.

In the field of professional activity – the question of formation of a library fund.

Research activities

She participates in scientific and practical events of KNURE and libraries of other institutions of higher education.

State Awards

She is honored by the rector of the university; Certificate of honor of KNURE and Thanksgiving of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (2005).

Publications and patents

For details on publications, follow the link: https://lib.nure.ua/about/dokl