Tetiana Kovalenko

Tetiana  Kovalenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Ph.D., Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: eBK50z8AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Graduated from Kharkiv State Technical University of Radioelectronics in 2001 (specialty “Multi-channel  elecommunications”.

2006 – Philosophy Doctor in Engineering sciences, specialty 05.12.13 – Telecommunication systems and Networks, thesis is defended at Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics.

Since 2004 – senior lecturer of Telecommunication Systems Department (KNURE)

2005 – Associate professor of Telecommunication Systems Department (since 2016 – Infocommunication Engineering Department)

Educational activity

Teaches the next courses in English: “Bases of System Theory”, “Intelligent Networks”, “Control and Adaptation Algorithms in Telecommunication Systems and Networks”, “Service-oriented Technologies in Telecommunication Systems”

Research activities

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects: “Development of active telecommunication networks design technologies, their analysis and synthesis methodologies for provision of distributed computer information systems”, “Theoretical researches of group frequency plan using mode in GSM-900/1800 mobile cellular networks”

Research interests: control and adaptation in infocommunication systems, distributed service-oriented systems multi-agent systems, virtualization and cloud computing technologies


Scientific publications:

more than 30 articles and reports.

Monographs, textbooks, manuals:

two textbooks, two lecture notes, six methodological instructions for laboratory work and independent work of students.