Tetiana Konkova

Tetiana Konkova
Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department
Google Scholar ID: 9JJtIuUAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Kharkiv State Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda (1997 р.) – qualification of specialist «English Language»; «Ukrainian Language and Literature»;
12.09.1997 -Assistant of Foreign Languages Department of KNURE;

1999 – Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages Department of KNURE.

Education activity

Teaches the following subjects: “Foreign Language”, “Foreign Language for Professional Communication”, “Business Foreign Language”

Researcher activity

Modern methods of teaching a foreign language in higher educational institutions, linguistic features of the English language, application of innovative remote technologies in teaching foreign languages.

2016 – Cambridge English Language Assessment Part of the University of Cambridge, Certificate Number 0052497962. З Band 3, Teaching Knowledge Test (Module 3 – Managing the teaching and learning process), 24/03/2016.

Social activities

01.09.2023 – a participant of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Information Radio Technologies and Technical Information Security

A member of the committee for the organization and holding of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian English Language Olympiad among students of non-language higher education institutions since 2000.

Publications and patents

10 papers, 2 theses