Tatiana Romanova

Tatiana Romanova
Professor of System Engineering Department, Department of Applied Mathematics, Member of the Specialized Scientific Council, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: 7ILotqcAAAAJ&view
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1980 she graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty “Applied Mathematics”.

1980-1987 – Junior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Design at the Institute for Problems in Machinery, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

1989-1992 – Junior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Design at the Institute for Problems in Machinery, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

1992-1994 – Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Design at the Institute for Problems in Machinery, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Since 1997 Senior Researcher of the Department of Mathematical Modeling and Optimal Design at the Institute for Problems in Machinery of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine in Kharkov.

2003-2004 – Associated Professor of the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Since 2004 Professor at the chair of Applied Mathematics at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Since 2015 Professor at the chair of Systems Engineering Department at the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Academic degrees:

Ph. D./Candidate, year 1990. Institute, where the title was awarded: Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev.

Senior staff scientist, year 2002. Institution where the title was awarded: Institute for Problems in Machinery, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Dr. Sci. /Doctor of Technical Science, year 2003. Institution where the title was awarded: Institute of Cybernetics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev.

Associated Professor for Applied Mathematics at the National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, Ukraine, year 2004.

Full Professor for Applied Mathematics at the National University of Radio Electronics, Kharkov, Ukraine, year 2005.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Methods of optimal placement of objects.

Researcher activity

Research interests: operations research, mathematical modeling, computational mathematics, geometric design, nonlinear optimization, packaging and disclosure.

9 candidate’s and 2 doctoral theses were defended under scientific supervision.

Member of the Specialized Scientific Council D 64.180.01 at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems named after A. M. Pidgorny of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
Member of the Specialized Academic Council D 64.052.02 at the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty in the council is 01.05.02 – Technical sciences.

Member of the editorial board of the “Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics”, Taras Shevchenko Kyiv National University, “Applied Mathematics” series.

Member of the editorial board of the International Journal “Eastern European Journal of Advanced Technologies”.

Head of the scientific seminar “Modern computer technologies in geometric design” of the Kharkiv section of the Scientific Council on “Cybernetics”.

Teacher of fall schools of DAAD (Technical University of Applied Sciences Wildau).

2001-2003 – project of the German Research Society (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft), Institute of Computational Mathematics of the Technical University of Dresden, Germany, responsible executor.
2013-2015 – UNTSC Project 5710 “Computer technologies for placement and coverage: models, methods and software”, responsible executor.
2019-2020 – project No. DR 0119U100941 of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Principles of development and substantiation of technological systems of combined processing processes using laser sources”, executor.
2017-2021 – CONACYT project No. 167019 (Mexican Council for Science and Technology), “National Network for Decision Support and Optimization in Complex and Large-Scale Systems”, Visiting Professor.
2021-2022 – project No. DR 0121U109639 of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Development of a method for assigning modes of high-speed adaptive CNC processing of thin-walled aircraft parts and its conversion application”, executor.
2021-2022 – project No. DR 0102U109601 of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Development of software and technical support for digital duplicates of the processes of processing parts of aircraft with detonating gases”, executor.
2020-2022 – project of the National Research Fund of Ukraine (grant No. 02.2020/0128) “Optimization of topology and improvement of strength characteristics of multilayer shells and solids using additive technologies”, group leader.
2021-2022 – project No. ДЗ/ 105-2021 of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Development of methods for building the architecture of a spatially distributed echelon system of an interconnected sensor network of means of destroying aerial objects and small-sized optical-electronic guidance stations”, executor.
2021-2024 – project #97775, provided by the Volkswagen Foundation, “Error Bounds, Critical Solutions and Numerical Methods for Smooth and Nonsmooth Optimization and Equilibrium Problems”, visiting professor.
2022-2023 – Project No. 9C086, provided by the Volkswagen Foundation, “Optimal packing for additive manufacturing”, principal investigator.
2023-2024 – project No. DR 0123U101805 of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine “Development of the technology of continuous spiral winding of high-strength elements of transport and launch containers of missile weapons”, executor.
2023-2025 – project #100072, provided by the British Academy, “Optimal cutting, grasping and packing of irregular-shaped fusion reactor waste components”, principal investigator.

International activity / participation in international projects

  • Member of ESICUP (European Special interested group in cutting and packing).
  • Member of EWG EURO.
  • Member of OPTISAD.
  • Member of EAI (European Alliance of Innovations) Community.

Project  UNTC 5710 «Computer technologies for placement and covering problems: models, methods and software».
Grant of Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft and NASU.   
Agreement of academic exchange programs in science and technology between IPMach NASU and Institute for Numerical Mathematics, Technical University of Dresden, Germany.

Individual Grants:

  • Portugal (University of Porto,  INESC TEC, Portugal);
  • Wales (Cardiff University);
  • England (University of Southampton);
  • Germany (Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Numerical Mathematics).  

Participation in annual international conferences and symposia ESICUP + EURO (Germany, UK, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Denmark, France, Belgium).

Joint scientific research with collaborations from:

  • University of Southampton,  UK;
  • Dresden University of Technology, Institute of Numerical Mathematics, Germany;
  • Texas A&M University, USA;
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA;
  • Thales Alenia Space S.p.A., Italy;
  • Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, USA.

Invited editor of an international magazine “Mobile Networks and Applications”, “Digitization of Organizations: Towards a New Paradigm of Real-Time Systems”.

Invited editor of an international magazine “Mathematics”, “Innovations in Optimization and Operations Research”.

Social activities

Member of Editors of “Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics”, Kyiv.

Member of two Academic Councils in specialty “mathematical modeling and computational methods”, technical and mathematical sciences, Ph.D. thesis and thesis for a Doctor’s degree).

Publications and patents

Has over 300 publications, including 7 monographs.