Tamara Radivilova

Tamara Radivilova
Professor of the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky, Member of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: hrlweEIAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2001 – graduated from Kharkov State Technical University of Radioelectronics with a degree in Information Security in Computer Systems” and was qualified as an access administrator.

2009 – received the degree of candidate of technical sciences (PhD). Thesis on the topic «Stochastic models and methods for analyzing self-similar traffic”, specialty 01.05.02 – Mathematical modeling and computer systems.

2008-2012 – Assistant of the Department of Electronic Computers of the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics.

2012-2020 – Associate Professor of the Department of Telecommunication Systems of the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics.

2020 – received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences, scientific specialty 01.05.02 – Information security systems.

From 2020 – Professor the Department of Infocommunication Engineering V.V. Popovsky.

2021 – awarded the academic title of professor of the department of information and communication engineering named after V.V. Popovsky

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Information security systems”, “Protection of electronic commerce systems”, “Fundamentals of cryptographic information protection” (teaching in Ukrainian, English).

Research activities

As part of the state budget R & D was involved in research projects:

№F25/713 «Analysis and behavior of systems with large nonlinearity: a synergistic approach» (2007);

Scientific interests – research of self-similar and multifractal properties of traffic, safety theory, information security, management in telecommunication systems.

Individual Grant CYB0-20-67053-0 “Promotion of the Cyber Hygiene E-Learning Course at KNURE” with the support of the United States Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF Global Agreement Grant Agreement CYB0-20-66620-0 “Promotion of the Cyber Hygiene E-Learning course in KNURE “), 2020

International activity / participation in international projects

Participant of the International TEMPUS projects:

516935-TEMPUS- 1-2011- 1-FITEMPUS- SMGR «TRUST – Towards Trusted Quality Assurance Ecosystem» (TRUST);

544455-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-SE-TEMPUS-JPCR, “Education of the next generation of experts on cybersecurity” (ENGENSEC).

Social activity

Coordinator of certification of the Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics for compliance with the international standard ISO 9001:2015

ACM Membership No.: 2307518

Publications and patents

More than 80 publications, 2 teaching books, 2 international certificates in the field of cybersecurity, 1 international IEEE certificate «The Global 5G Standard» 4 international certificates in the field of quality assurance of training.