Svitlana Gryshko

Svitlana Gryshko
Associate Professor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence (part-time), PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, National Coordinator of the Erasmus Project
Google Scholar ID: Agb_QLkAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1995 – Master’s degree in Economics (economic engineer, specializing in Economics and Organization in Construction), Kharkiv State Academy of Urban Economy

1998 – PhD in Economics, specialty 08.06.01 “Business Economics and Production Organization”, Kharkiv National University of Economics.

1998 – 2001 – Assistant, from 2001 to the present – Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Cybernetics and Economic Security Management, KNURE.

Since 2006 – Associate Professor of the Department of Artificial Intelligence of NURE (part-time).

Educational activity

Teaching courses for students majoring in Computer Science: business planning; economics and business; economic justification of projects. Also a teacher of the following courses: economics: labor economics, logistics, network economics, e-commerce, startup economics, hybrid threats and comprehensive security, conflictology, recognizing and countering hybrid threats in business management.

Social activities

From 2003 to the present – Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Information and Analytical Technologies and Management (ITM), NURE.

Member of the Ukrainian Association for Management Development and Business Education () since 2018.

Invited lecturer at Upwork Expert Evening (2019)

Research activities

1998 – PhD in Economics, specialty 08.06.01 “Business Economics and Production Organization”, Kharkiv National University of Economics.

International activity / participation in international projects

Participated in educational and research projects as an expert on economic and academic issues, lecturer, co-editor of a textbook, developer of laws and decrees of the Ministry of Education and Science in the field of economics and innovation, national coordinator.

  1. Business trainer in the Ukrainian-French virtual training program in the field of information technology and business planning “European Virtual Enterprise (EVV)” (2006 – present).
  2. Researcher in the implementation of the international project “Towards Trust in Quality Assurance Systems” (TRUST) –  516935-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-FITEMPUS-SMGR (2011 – 2014).
  3. Researcher in the implementation of the international project Cyber Defence for Intelligent Systems №G5511 funded by the Science for Peace and Security Program (2018 – 2021),
  4. National coordinator of the international Erasmus + K2 WARN project Academic Response to Hybrid Threats 610133-EPP-1-2019-1-FI-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP (2019 – 2023).
  5. Researcher in the implementation of the international project ERASMUS+: JoInME –  JoInt Multidisciplinary training program on Entrepreneurship in the field of artificial intelligence for industry 5.0 (2021-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000032254) (2021 -2024)

Publications and patents

Has more than 30 publications, in particular, refereed in the Scopus database, author (co-author, editor) of 4 manuals.

Has a certificate of authorship for updating educational programs No. 112652 dated 04/13/2022