Nikolaj Starodubcev

Nikolaj Starodubcev
Associate Professor of the CITAR Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 01Kb57gAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 2000 he graduated from the Kharkiv Technical University of Radio Electronics by specialty «Manufacture of electronic means».

2003 – Assistant of the TAVR  department (KhNURE).

2004 – Candidate of Engineering Science (defended at KhNURE),

2005 – Senior Lecturer at the TAVR Department.

Since 2006 till now – Associate Professor of the TAVR Department (now CITAM, KhNURE).

Educational activities

Teaches the courses: «Fundamentals of computer-aided design systems», «Computer-aided design of technological processes», «Computer-aided design of radio electronic devices», «Infocommunication technologies in computer-integrated systems», «Integrated wireless technologies for automated systems»

Research activities

He was involved in State Budget R&D projects: № 189-01, № 224-1, № 247-1, № 248-1, № 277-1, № 300

Publications and patents

Over 30 publications