Born Stanislav Vasilievich November 21, 1941 in the village. Ivanivka, Mashiv district, Poltava region. He studied at the Kharkiv Institute of Mining Engineering, Automation and Computer Engineering in the specialty “Mining Mining”. The labor way started in 1963 by the mining master of the mine № 40 of the trust “Selidovugol”. Love for work, organization, initiative contributed to the rapid formation and growth of Stanislav Vasilievich as a specialist and leader. In the end of 1963 he was appointed head of the section of the mine number 40.
Already in 1967 he held the post of:
- Chief Engineer of the mine “Russia”;
- the head of the mine №42 of the mine administration “Kurakhove” (1973);
- the director of the mine “Kurakhove” (1973-1975);
- the director of the mine “Russia” (1975-1978) association “Krasnoarmeiskvugillya”;
- technical director of the production association “Dobropilvugillya” (1978-1981);
- general director of the association “Selidivugollya” (1981-1990).
At the same time, working on the production, Stanislav Vasilievich defended his dissertation for a candidate’s degree in technical sciences. In 1990, the inhabitants of the city of Selidov of the Donetsk region showed high trust to Stanislav Vasilyevich Yanko, having elected him the chairman of the council. In late 1990, he was appointed the first deputy chairman of the State Committee of Ukraine for Coal Industry. At this time he defended his doctoral dissertation (1994).
From 1994 to 1998 S.V. Yanko is the People’s Deputy of Ukraine of the Second Convocation, a member of the Committee on Fuel and Energy Complex, Transport and Communications.
In 1997-1998 – Minister of Coal Industry of Ukraine. Taking into account long-term management experience, Stanislav V. stresses that the success of the coal industry is on three kits: the front, technology, people.
Since 1998 Stanislav Vasilievich on scientific and organizational work.
The author of many inventions and suggestions that increased the efficiency of coal production. He is the vice president of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine, the director of the “Branch of coal, oil shale and peat branch of the Academy of Mining Sciences of Ukraine”, chairman of the All-Ukrainian branch association of employers of the coal industry “Ukrvuhlerobotodavtsi”.
Conscious Labor SV Yanka, the personal contribution to the development of the coal industry is marked by state and departmental awards. He is a full-time honoree of the Ministry of Coal Industry of Ukraine “Shakhtar Glory” and “Miner’s Valor”, honored worker of the coal industry. He has the orders of the Holy Apostolic Prince Vladimir, the “Badge of Honor” and the “Red Banner of Labor”, the medal “Veteran of Labor”, the jubilee medal “For Valiant Labor …” Together with his wife raised his son and daughter.