Sergiy Sheiko

Sergiy Sheiko
Professor of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems , Ph.D., Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: pTKS55oAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Graduated from Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics, 2000, specialty – Equipment of Radio Communication, Broadcasting and TV, qualification – radio engineer.

From 2000 to 2003, the postgraduate student of KNURE.

In 2004 defended Ph.D. dissertation and received a Candidate Degree in Engineering.

Since 2004, assistant of NURE

Since 2008, associate professor of NURE

Since 2019 – awarded the academic title of  Associate Professor at the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio-Electronic Systems

Since 2021 – Professor at the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio-Electronic Systems

Educational activity

Teaches the disciplines of the audio cycle (Tools and methods of working with audio editors, Sound recording and editing, Sound synthesis) and the television cycle (Television standards and recording formats, Modern technologies of video recording and playback).

Research activities

Scientific interests in UAV detection and recognition by video image and acoustic radiation, remote sensing of the atmosphere using electromagnetic and acoustic waves.

Publications and patents

42 publications, 6 patents.