Sergiу Kravchenko

Sergiу Kravchenko
Assistant of the Department of Physics
Scopus ID: 56825322300
Documents by author:1
Total citations:2
Google Scholar ID: C9EBXqkAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2008-2013 Kharkiv National University Karazin, Faculty of Physics, Department of Solid State Physics.

Since 2013 the Department of Physics Assistant KNURE.

Research activities

Research interests: Research of features in recrystallization of aluminum, aluminum strength properties of two-dimensional samples, depending on their crystal structure, as well as determining the orientation of the crystal lattice on the basis of radiation reflected from the visible surface.

Study of phase transitions and their morphological structure in bicomponent films (particularly Sn-Bi system).

From 2013 was engaged in research of the system of spectral analysis of UWB signals.

Publications and patents

Has 1 publication