Sergey Smelyakov

Sergey Smelyakov
Professor of Software Engineering Department, Doctor of Mathematics, Professor
Scopus ID: 24527617600
Documents by author:12
Total citations:20
Google Scholar ID: C1lQBP4AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1970 -1976 – Engineer-mathematician, Kharkov IRE

1977-1980 – Post-graduate courses, IMP UkrSSR

1980-1983 – Researcher, IMP UkrSSR

1983-1991 – Lecturer, software department, KHMCEUMF

1991-1993 – Professor, KMU

1993-2018 – Professor, Head of the department, KAFU

2010-2021 – Professor, department of Electronic Computers, NURE

Since 2021 – Professor of Software Engineering Department

Educational activity

Disciplines: Algorithms and numerical methods; Computer science and computer graphics, Probability theory, Mathematical statistics, Mathematical simulation

Research activities

Member of the Special Councils SRD 64.702.02, Д64.052.02.

 Head of scientific work of students. Head of postgraduate learning.

International activity / participation in international projects

Received the grants of Germany and Britain for participating in 8 conferences and seminars

State Awards

Laureate of the Prize of the Sc.Soc. of UkrSSR

Publications and patents

More than 100 publications, 1 patent