Sergei Shapovalov

Sergei Shapovalov
Associate Professor of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems , Ph.D., Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: J7sq4AIAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1987 – graduated from the Poltava Higher Air Defense Missile Command School, was awarded the qualification of an engineer for the operation of radio engineering equipment.

1997 – graduated from the Kharkov Military University, specializing in the operation and repair of the radioengineering forces of the Air Defense Forces.

2004 – Cand.Tech.Sci., Kharkov Military University, specialty: 20.02.14 – armament and military equipment, special department.

2007 – awarded the academic title of Associate Professor of the Combat Application of Armament of the Air Defense of the Ground Forces of Kharkov University of Air Forces.

2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems, KNURE.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: materials and components of radio-electronic equipment, information transfer systems.

Research activities

Investigation of signal processing methods for radioacoustic systems of sounding the atmosphere.


24 publications