All time | Last 5 years | |
Citations | 2965 | 2100 |
h-index | 15 | 11 |
i10-index | 20 | 11 |
Education and Career
1998 – graduated from the Kharkiv State Technical University of Radio Electronics, majoring in “Computer Intelligent Systems and Networks”, systems engineer
2001 – defended a candidate’s thesis on the specialty 05.13.21 – Information protection systems on the topic: “Investigation of the stability and conditions of application of block symmetric encryption algorithms”.
2014 – defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of symmetric cryptography with a specialty 05.13.05 – Computer systems and components on the topic: “Methods of analysis and synthesis of promising symmetric cryptographic transformations.”
From 2014 to the present – Professor of the Information Technology Security Department of the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (KHNURE).
Eduational activity
Teaches courses:
- introduction to the specialty
- information security in information and communication systems
Research activities
Research interests:
- symmetric transformations
- cryptographic protocols for decentralized distributed systems
- blockchain technologies and distributed decentralized technologies
- computer networks and software security
He is the co-author and responsible executor of the development of national cryptographic standards of Ukraine: the symmetric block cipher “Kalyna” and its modes of operation (DSTU 7624:2014), as well as the “Kupina” hashing function (DSTU 7564:2014).
Took part in the training of cyber police officers of Ukraine.
Current research concerns the improvement of blockchain technologies.
Significant publications
- Принципи побудови і основні властивості нового національного стандарту блокового шифрування України / В. І. Руженцев, Р. В. Олійников, І. Д. Горбенко, О. В. Казимиров // Захист інформації, Том 17, №2, Національний авіаційний університет, 2015. – С. 142-157.
- Функція гешування «Купина» – новий національний стандарт України / В.І. Руженцев, Р.В. Олійников, І.Д. Горбенко, О.В. Казимиров, та ін. // Радіотехника: Всеукр. межвід. наук.-техн.зб., Харків, 2015. Вип. 181. –С. 23-30.
- Kovalchuk, L., Rodinko, M., Oliynykov, R. Upper bound probability of double spend attack on SPECTRE / CRYBLOCK 2020 – Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains for Distributed Systems, Part of MobiCom 2020, 2020, pp. 18-22, 3413792.
- Rodinko, M., Oliynykov, R. The Method of Searching for Differential Trails of ARX-based Block Cipher Cypress/ Proceedings – 2020 IEEE 11th International Conference on Dependable Systems, Services and Technologies, DESSERT 2020, 2020, pp. 157-160, 9125071.
- Kovalchuk, L., Kaidalov, D., Nastenko, A., Shevtsov, O., Oliynykov, R. Decreasing security threshold against double spend attack in networks with slow synchronization// Computer Communications, 2020, 154, pp. 75-81.
- Models for Generation of Proof Forest in zk-SNARK Based Sidechains/ Bespalov, Y., Kovalchuk, L., Nelasa, H., Oliynykov, R., Viglione, R. //Cryptography, 2023, 7(1), 14.
- A Game-Theoretic Analysis of Delegation Incentives in Blockchain Governance /Kovalchuk, L., Rodinko, M., Oliynykov, R. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)this link is disabled, 2023, 13619 LNCS, pp. 275–293.
- Privacy-Preserving Decision-Making over Blockchain /Zhang, J., Zhang, B., Nastenko, A., Balogun, H., Oliynykov, R.//IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computingthis link is disabled, 2022.
Comparative Analysis of Consensus Algorithms Using a Directed Acyclic Graph Instead of a Blockchain, and the Construction of Security Estimates of Spectre Protocol Against Double Spend Attack /Kovalchuk, L., Oliynykov, R., Bespalov, Y., Rodinko, M. Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologiesthis link is disabled, 2022, 115, pp. 203–224.
International activity / participation in international projects
Conducting and reading courses of lectures in Ukraine, Norway, South Korea and other countries.
He regularly participates in prestigious foreign scientific conferences.
Social activities
Corresponding member of the Academy of Applied Electronics
Publications and patents
Has over 150 publications, 4 patents.