Roksana V. Melnikova

Roksana V. Melnikova
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: 56UFQH0AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2008 – got an academic title of Associate Professor of Computer Software Department, KhNURE.
2006 – became a Candidate of Science (Technology), Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty: 05.13.23 – Methods and Systems of Artificial Intelligence.
1996 – Engineer-programmer, KhTURE, specialty – Software for Automated Systems.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: «Human-Computer Interaction»; «System Programming Languages: C, C++»; «Programming»; «Computer Science». Practice and laboratory classes: «Operating systems».

Research activities

Research interests: Human-Computer Interaction aspects, Mathematical Models.

International activities / participation in international projects

2014/2015 participation in the «Innovative University and Leadership» project

Publications and patents

The author of 30 publications.