Ievgenii Razumov-Fryziuk

Ievgenii Razumov-Fryziuk
Associate Professor of the CITAR Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 24461662400
Documents by author:4
Total citations:3
Google Scholar ID: YcxtIEMAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2003 – he graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics  (KNURE) with bachelor specialty «Electronic devices»

2004 – he graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics  (KNURE) with master specialty «Production of electronic means».

2011 – Candidate of Engineering science (defended at KNURE.

2011 – Senior Lecturer of TAVR Department

2013 – Associate Professor of TAVR Department (now CITAM).

2022 – awarded the academic title of associate professor of the Department of CITAM

Educational activities

Teaches the courses: «Banking Integrated Systems and Technologies», «Materials of computerized and robotic systems», «Materials of microsystem technology», «Material science of RED», «Materials science and structural materials», «Technologies of formation», «Fundamentals of resource- saving technologies»

Research activities

Responsible executor of the state budget issue No. 300 «Creation of microminiature components of electromechanical intelligent technological equipment of industrial equipment and robotics».

Responsible executor of the state budget issue No 321 «Flexible flexible rigid structures with variable configuration for components of microsystem equipment and mini and micro robots»

State Awards

Grant for the best report at the 9th International Youth Scientific Conference «Modern Problems of Radio Engineering and Telecommunications RT 2013» (Sevastopol, April 2013).

Finalist Diploma of International Competition on Innovation and Investment Projects «Kharkiv Initiatives-2013» in the nomination «The best innovative project in the field of instrument making”.

G. Priskura Scholarship in  in the field of science  for the significant achievements in the field of science (2016).

Publications and patents

Over 50 publications

7 patents