Petro Podpruzhnikov

Petro Podpruzhnikov
Lead engineer of the Service Point for Accessible Learning
Scopus ID: 57218347417
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0
Google Scholar ID: 1BooMrwAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Graduate- radio engineer, graduate school of  KNURE;

1973- senior engineer of the department of microelectronics of KNURE;

Head of the problematic scientific research laboratory of information and telecommunication technologies of KNURE;

2019- Head of the Special educational and rehabilitation department for students with special educational needs.


Educational activity

More than 10 years.

Researcher activity

More than 30 years.

International activity / participation in international projects

2 grants of USAID program, 1 with European Union.

Social activity

Head of the Federation Council of Organizations of people with Disabilities.

State awards

The Honorary Diplomas of the Ministry of Social Protection of Ukraine, Kharkiv state administration, city council of Kharkiv.

Publications and patents

Has over 100 scientific publication, 8 patents.