Olga Neumyvakina

Olga Neumyvakina
Lead Engineer of Information Control Systems Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Google Scholar ID: T8dfpHYAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1981 – graduated with honors from the Kharkov Institute of Radioelectronics (HIRE), majoring in «Automated Control Systems».

1981 – Engineer of the Department of Automated Control Systems (ACS).

1983 – Junior Researcher of the Department of Automated Control Systems (HIRE).

1990 – Research Fellow of the Department of Automated Control Systems (HIRE).

1992 – leading researcher of the Department of Automated Control Systems (HIRE).

1995 – head of the problem research laboratory of the ASU department (HIRE).

1999 – leading research assistant of the Department of Automated Control Systems (HIRE).

1990 – Candidate of Technical Sciences (specialty 05.25.05 – information systems and processes), defended the thesis in HIRE.

1995 – received the title of senior research officer.

Currently, the scientific specialty 05.13.06 – information technology.

Researcher activity

During her scientific career, she worked on the development of a tsunami tracking and prediction system, information transmission and processing systems, environmental monitoring, distributed IMS; participated in the testing of elements of the tsunami prediction system in the composition of three marine expeditions.

She was the head of state budget scientific research works

«Development of knowledge of oriented models, methods and technologies for the creation, introduction, operation and modernization of information systems and technologies as the main elements that form the intellectual information environments of socio-economic objects»;

responsible executor of state budget scientific research works:

«Development of methodology, methods and means of designing the main components of information technology of a typical distributed logistics information management system»; «Research and development of methodologies, information technologies for designing and reengineering of integrated information management systems»; «Development of the subsystem “Cadres” (“Development of the typical informational and analytical system” University “(second phase)”)»; «Development of models and elements of information technologies for operational monitoring and management of bachelor’s and masters’ training processes»; «Development of models, methods and elements of information technologies for the analysis and control of educational and scientific activity of a higher educational establishment»; «Methods and models of Web services construction for business process management tasks in the intellectual information environment»;

responsible executive of contract research:

«Development of information system of FFU “Uniform base. Version 2»; «Development of specifications for the information technology of the integration of heterogeneous services into the information management system of the enterprise».

Social activity

Head of Intellectual Games Club KNURE.

State awards

  • The diploma of the Department of Science and Education of HOGA (2015),
  • Honorary badge KNURE “For Merit” (2008),
  • Honorary letters of HIRE (1985, 1986, 1988).

Publications and patents

More than 45 publications, including 1 copyright certificate.