Olga Kolesnik

Olga Kolesnik
Associate professor of the Department of Economic Сybernetics and Management of Economic Security Department, Candidate of Economic Sciences, PhD, Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: QabHApcAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2005 – graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radioelectronics, speciality – «Economic Cybernetic»;

2006-2009 – graduate student of Economic Cybernetic Department, Kharkov National University of Radioelectronics;

2010 – Candidate of economic sciences by speciality  08.00.04 – «economics and enterprises’ management (by kinds of economic activity)», thesis has been defended in National Technical University «Kharkov Polytechnic Institute »;

2011-2014 – Senior Lecturer of Economic Cybernetic and economic security management Department;

From 2015 – Associate Professor of Economic Cybernetic and economic security management Department.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: «Regional economics», «Informational systems in banking», «Finances», «Innovative enterprise’s development», «Global economy», «Monitoring systems in economics».


Publications and patents

Has over 25 publications, including chapters in 3 monographs