Olga Kalynychenko

Olga Kalynychenko
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, PhD, Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 56007907900
Documents by author:1
Total citations:10
Google Scholar ID: ycuSpAcAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1994-1999 – graduated with honors from the Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics majoring in “Software of Computer Technology and Automated Systems”

1999-2002 – postgraduate study in the specialty “Mathematical and software support for computer technology and systems”

2001 – Assistant of the Department of Software Engineering

2003 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of Software Engineering

2004 – PhD in specialty “Systems and Means of Artificial Intelligence”

2006-till now – Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering.

Educational activity

  • Computer architecture and organization of computer networks
  • Security of programs and data

Research activities

Research interests:

  • Systems and Means of Artificial Intelligence;
  • Software Engineering.

International activities / participation in international projects

Participation in international conferences

Publications and patents

Has over 50 publications, 1 training manual