Olga Afanasieva

Olga Afanasieva
Аssistant professor of the Department of Photonics and Laser Enginnering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Assistant professor
Google Scholar ID: l02A3UkAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1986 – graduated Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute, specialty – Material Science and Heat Treatment of Metals. 1986-1990 – engineer of Technologies of Metals and Metal Sceinces Department in Kharkiv Automobile and Highway Institute. 1990-1994 – aspirant at Technologies of Metals and Metal Sciences Department in Kharkiv Automobile and Highway Institute. 1995 – Ph.D. defense. 1994-1998 – assistant at Health and Safety Department of KharkivPolytechnicInstitute, lectured Industrial Ecology. 1998-2003 – lecturer at Kharkiv Military University. Since 2003 – NURE.

Educational activity

Lectures following courses: material sciences and construction materials, optic measurements, use of lasers and devices of optoelectronic technics, laser technologies of metals’ treatment, nano materials and nano technologies, optic features of materials, engineering and technology of optoelectronic and laser equipment manufacturing

Research activities

Advisor of students’ scientific works in the field of laser technologies

Publications and patents

Over 40, including teaching guide