Olena Strelnikova

Olena Strelnikova
Professor of Applied Mathematics Department, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Google Scholar ID: 7ILotqcAAAAJ&view
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1974 – graduated from Kharkiv State University named after M. Gorky, specialty “Mathematics”.

From 1974 to the present, she has been working at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, currently holding the position of a leading researcher.

1983 – 1983 – Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), specialty 01.02.04 – Mechanics of Deformed Solids. Dissertation topic: “Study of two-dimensional contact problems of the theory of cracks in anisotropic bodies”.

2003 – Doctor of Technical Sciences, specialty 01.02.04 – Mechanics of Deformed Solids. Dissertation topic: “Investigation of durability and vibrations of turbomachines using the boundary element method”.

2023 – Professor of the Department of Applied Mathematics.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Computer modeling of applied mathematics problems.

Research activity

Areas of scientific activity: mathematical modeling, computational methods.

State awards

Award of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine “For preparation of scientific change”.


Has over 200 publications, including articles, theses and collective monographs.