Olena Oleinik

Olena Oleinik
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Software Engineering
Google Scholar ID: JThvU6AAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

  1. – graduated from the Kharkov State Pedagogical Institute named after G.S.Skovoroda in the specialty “Mathematics”

2007 – graduated from Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics (Faculty of Postgraduate Education), specialty “Software of Automated Systems”

1995y. – Teacher of Mathematics, Computer Science and Computer Science, School No. 11, Kramatorsk, Donetsk Region,

  1. – received the qualification category “Specialist of the second category”

1999 – received the qualification category “Specialist of the first category”

  1. – Teacher of the Machine-Building College of the Donbas State Machine-Building Academy

2008 – received the qualification category “Specialist of the highest category”

2017 – Assistant of the Department of Software Engineering, KNURE

Educational activity

In the Machine-Building College of the Donbas State Machine-Building Academy taught disciplines: the fundamentals of programming, object-oriented programming, mathematical methods of operations research, numerical methods.

At the Department of Software Engineering, KNURE conducts practical and laboratory work on training courses: probability theory and mathematical statistics, computer architecture and organization of computer networks, algorithms and data structures, system programming languages, multimedia systems, work with data on the .Net platform, development of innovative business and organization of start-ups

State Awards


Machine-Building College of the DSMA (2007), Donbas State Machine-Building Academy (2012), Territorial Base Machine-Building College of the DSMA (2013)

Certificate of honor of the primary trade union organization (2012),

Diploma of the winner of the “Donbas State Machine-Building Academy – Best Names” Competition in the nomination “Teacher of Fundamental Disciplines” (2014)

Acknowledgments of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the HEIs of the I-II levels of accreditation of the Kramatorsk-Slavic region (2016).