Olena Kriventsova

Olena Kriventsova
Senior Lecturer of the Department of Physical Education and Sports, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering
Google Scholar ID: pVz8Y_IAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1993 – graduated from Kharkov State Institute of Physical Culture with a specialization in physical culture. During studying has obtained the title of master of sports of Ukraine.

1993 – insurance agency “Salamandra”

1995 – Pvt “Leta”

1998 – teaching assistant at physical education department (HDTURE)

2008 – senior teacher at physical education department (NURE)

Educational activity

Teaches courses: fitness aerobics

Social activity

Deputy deen on sporting and mass event work of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control.

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Electronic and Biomedical Engineering.

Publications and patents

Has over 10 publications