Olena Andriienko

Education and Career

She graduated from Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics (then KhTURE) with a specialty «Automated information processing and control systems».

Advanced training – at the University of Management of Education of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Kyiv) in the direction 0101 Pedagogical education (in the category “Directors, deputy directors, leading specialists of libraries of universities, academies, institutes”).

She has been working in the Library since 2008.
In the current position since 2013.

In the field of professional activity – service to users of literature in foreign languages; formation and popularization of the relevant Library fund; preparation of the exposition: “Geography of our students”.

Is the responsible person on behalf of the University for creating, maintaining and making changes to the profiles of the institution in the Scopus and Web of Science databases.
From 2022, she is the official representative of KhNURE in the National Consortium ORCID – Ukraine. Handles entry, correction and validation of participants of the educational process data using the Affiliation Manager tool through the ORCID Member Portal

Publications and Patents

For details on publications, follow the link: https://lib.nure.ua/about/dokl