Oleksiy Gueorguiovych Pashchenko

Oleksiy Gueorguiovych Pashchenko
Associate Professor of Department of Microelectronics, Electronic Devices and Appliances, Executive Secretary of "Radiotehnika" , Secretar Section 1 of STS, Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Associate Professor
Scopus ID: 15731749700
Documents by author:22
Total citations:18
Google Scholar ID: wpKV93UAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1993 – graduated from KhIRE in the specialty “Electronic Appliances and Devices”.

1996 – Senior Lecturer, Department of Microelectronics of Electronic Devices and Appliances (MEDA).

1997 – Candidate of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics) (Thesis Defended in June 26, 1997, IRE NASс of Ukraine)

Since 2001 till now – Associate Professor, Department of Microelectronics of Electronic Devices and Appliances (MEDA), KNURE.

Educational activity

Teaches Courses: Materials of Microelectronics and Methods for their Research;

Theory and Technology of Quantum-Well Devices;

Carbon Nanotubes;

Computer Modeling of Nanostructures;

Nanoelectronic Devices;

Nanoelectronic Systems

Researcher activity

Executive-in-Charge of State Budget R & Ds:

– № M/313 – 2012 dated July 26, 2012. “Development of Automated Software and Hardware Measuring Complex for Diagnostics and Research of Parameters of Multi-transient Tandem Heterostructure Photoconverters with Quantum-Well Media.”

– № M/267 – 2013 dated June 18, 2013. “Development of Automated Software and Hardware Measuring Complex for Diagnostics and Research of Parameters of Multi-transient Tandem Heterostructure Photoconverters with Quantum-Well Media.”

Since January 2013 till June 2016 – Scientific Secretary of the Specialized Council D 64.052.04


State Awards

Awarded with the Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

(Order № 907 K of 21.10.2002)

Publications and patents

Author of over 40 publications including 1 textbook