Oleksandra Putyatina

Oleksandra Putyatina
Senior Lecturer of Informatics Department, Doctor of Philosophy
Scopus ID: 24484132300
Documents by author:2
Total citations:0

Education and Career

In 2006 – graduated from the Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics with specialization “Applied Mathematics” and was awarded a master’s degree in “Applied Mathematics”.

2009 – completed the course of study Management Mathematics with specialization Financial Mathematics and was awarded the degree of Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

2012  – was awarded the degree of Doktor der Naturwisswnschaften  based on the thesis titled ” Filterng, Approximation and Portfolio Optimization for Shot-Noise Models and the Heston Model”,  Department of Mathematics, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

2014 – was awarded the degree of Candidate of Science with specialization 01.05.02 – Mathematical Modelling and Computational Methods. Thesis: Models of Stochastic Processes in Portfolio Optimization Problems.

2020р – Seniour Lecturer at the Department of Informatics at Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics

Educational Activity

Theaches Courses: “Pattern Recognition”.

Reseacher Activity

Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Processes, Pattern Recognition

International activity / participation in international projects

2007-2012 Studies at the Technical University of Kaserslautern, Germany

Participated in several internation conferences in Canada, Germany

Publications and patents

Has over 10 publications, including

Approximatio for portfolio optimization in a financial market with shot-noise jumps. Oleksandra Putyatina, Joern Sass, Computational Management Science. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2017