Oleksandr Yakovchenko

Oleksandr Yakovchenko
Senior lecturer of the Department of Media Engineering and Information Radio Electronic Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Google Scholar ID: gFG2v3kAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1983-1988 – Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics, specialty – radio engineering, qualification – radio engineer.

1988-2013 – Research Institute of Radio Engineering Measurements, from engineer to head of sector.

2013-2022 – Research Institute of Micrography, from the leading process engineer to the head of the department.

Since 2016 – NURE, PRDL of satellite technologies of navigation and high-precision positioning (part-time).

Since 2021 – NURE, assistant of the MEIRES department (part-time).

2023 – Ph.D (05.12.17 – radio engineering and television systems), dissertation «Development of the methods for high precision determination of the motion parameters of Low Earth Orbit satellites based on the on-board observations of global navigation satellite systems signals».

Since 2023 – NURE, senior lecturer of the MEIRES department.

Educational activities

Since 2021.

Scientific activity

Since 1988. Research interests is satellite of navigation and high-precision positioning.

Publications and patents

More than 40 publications, 3 patents.