Oleksandr Tsymbal

Oleksandr Tsymbal
Professor of the CITAR department, secretary of Section 4 of the Scientific and Methodological Council, member of the Scientific and Technical Council, secretary of Section 3 of the Scientific and Technical Council, member of the specialized academic council, doctor of technical sciences, professor
Google Scholar ID: 10Yp4q0AAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1992 – graduated from Gorki Kharkiv State University, Faculty of Radio Physics, Specialty – Radio Physics and Electronics, Radio Physicist

1996 – Candidate of Engineering Science for specialties 05.13.07 – automation of technological processes and of manufacturing and 05.13.12 – systems of design automation; Thesis: The methods research and the tools development for intellectual technological design.

2002 – Associate Professor of the Department of Technology and Automation of Radio-Electronic and Computer Devices;

2014 –Professor of Technology and Automation of Radio Electronic and Computing Devices Production Department
2015 – Doctor of Technical Science for Specialty 05.13.07 – Automation of control processes, Thesis: Methods and models of intellectual decision-making support for automatized control of flexible integrated manufacturing of radio electronic devices (defended in KHNURE).

Educational activities

Teaches the courses: «The programming technologies of computer systems», «Technological expert systems and Artificial Intelligence», «Flexible Computerized robotized systems and technologies of their programming», «Operating Systems», «Adaptation systems of robots».

Research activities

Decision-making systems in robotics; methods of artificial intelligence; automatic problem solving; processing visual information; logical programming.

International activities / participation in international projects

Visitor to Robinson College of Cambridge University (United Kingdome july, 2008).

Horizon 2020 (application of 2018 y.).

Social activities 

The member of 2 Specialized  Scientific Councils

Publications and patents

Has over 100 publications, including 2 monographs and 4 workbooks.