Oleksandr Mozhaiev

Oleksandr  Mozhaiev
Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Scopus ID: 57201729490
Documents by author:0
Total citations:0

Education and Career

In 1975 became a student of Kharkov State al University. In 1980 graduated under “Radiophysics and electronicsics ” specialty radiophysicist.

Diploma: Г-ІІ No. July 4, 1980

Educational activity

Lecturer for more than 5 courses.

Research activities

Scientific secretary of sections and member of the program committee of several ISTCs, including those who are members of the IEEE community.
The official opponent of 7 dissertation papers for obtaining a scientific degree of the candidate of technical sciences.
Member of two specialized councils for the defense of doctoral theses.
Scientific supervisor 5 candidates degree Candidate of Technical Sciences (3 defended)

Publications and patents

More than 250 publications, 10 patents