Oleksandr Khriapkin

Oleksandr Khriapkin
Associate Professor of System Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences
Google Scholar ID: ffCGSWMAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2003 г. – Computer Systems Analyst (MA), Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty – information technology design.

2012 г. – Ph.D., Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, specialty: 05.13.06 – information technology. Thesis – “Models and methods of a synthesis of the informational and hardware of educational environment”.

2014 – Associate Professor of System Engineering Department, KhNURE.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: algorithmization and programming, specialized databases (NoSQL), cross-platform programming (Java), agile.

Researcher activity

Research interests: design technology of large-scale distributed systems, distance learning technologies, models and methods of automated design of distributed data processing systems, signal recognition, business analytics.

Scientific and technical achievements: methods of design information and training systems; models and methods of assessment of students’ knowledge in distance education; models and methods for the synthesis of adaptive interface for users to interact with the information system; statistical model of recognition of radio signal sources.

01.04.2021 – 29.12.2021 – Part-time Senior Research Fellow of the problem research laboratory “Radio monitoring and processing of radio-technical information” NURE. Orders Rectors NURE №18 KN of 29/03/2021

International activity / participation in international projects

The participant (executor) of the TEMPUS Project No. 530319-TEMPUS-I-2012-1-DE-TEMPUS-JPHES.

Publications and patents

Has over 30 publications, including inventor’s certificate.