Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, PhD in Philology, Associate Professor
Education and Career
- Kharkiv Higher Military Aviation Institute of Pilots, Air Force
- Military University (Military Institute of Foreign Languages)
- Vasyl Karazin Kharkiv National University
Career experience
- Ministry of Defence
- United Nations
- Kharkiv University of Construction and Architecture
- Kharkiv National Automobile and Highway University
- Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Education activity
Academic subjects:
- English
- Business English
- English for professional activity
- Academic English
- Grammar of English
- Spoken English
- Theory and Practice of Translation
- Psychology
Researcher activity
- Thesis ‘Concepts HEAVY and LIGHT in Contemporary English Discourse’
- Cognitive Linguistics
- Publications in scholarly journals
Participation in scholarly conferences
Advanced on-the-job training ‘Foreign language teaching methods’ at the Department of Foreign Languages, Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, 11 Feb. 2021 – 11 May 2021, 180 hours
International activity / participation in international projects
- Conference in Egypt ‘Higher Education for International Students’
- Conference in Moldova TEMPUS EANET
- Project TEMPUS EANET 2014-2017
- Interpreter/translator in international projects
Social activities
Council in Methodology in KhNAHU
State awards
- War Veteran (Certificate, breastplate);
- Two Medals In the Service of Peace
Publications and patents
- 31 publications in scholarly journals and databases
- 20 publications in other national and international journals
- 63 International, Ukrainian and University scientific, practical and methodological conferences