Oleg Zolotukhin

Oleg Zolotukhin
Associate professor of AI Department, Deputy Dean of the Faculty CS, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
Google Scholar ID: B1sT8KsAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Education 2009 – MSc, Intelligent Decision Support system, Computer Systems Analyst.

2015 – Candidate of Technical Sciences.

2013 – Assistant of Artificial Intelligence Department.

2015 – Senior lecturer of Artificial Intelligence Department.

2016 – Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence Department.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Modern cloud technology & Python, Basic Data Mining, Object-Oriented Programming.

Research activities

Responsible executor section №265-1: «Methodology of intelligent information environment based on cloud computing ‘integrated research №265: «Methods and models of self-intelligent information infrastructure environment, grounded in the principles of cloud computing “(01.01.2012 – 31.12 .2014)

Responsible executor section №294-2: «Ontological development models of intelligent information environment of regional socio-economic facilities’ comprehensive research №294: «Theory, methods and models of intelligent information lifecycle environments regional socio-economic facilities “(01.01 .2015 – 31.12.2017).

International activity / participation in international projects

Participation in the international project “Towards Trust in Quality Assurance Systems” (TRUST) – “National System of Quality Assurance and Mutual Trust in the Higher Education System” 516935-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-FITEMPUS-SMGR (2011/2014 years) within the framework of the national priority: “Ensuring the quality of education”.

Social activities

Curator of the group, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Publications and patents

Has more 50 publications