Oleg Zolotukhin

Oleg Zolotukhin
Associate professor of AI Department, Deputy Dean of the Faculty CS, Deputy Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate professor
Scopus ID: 57207774022
Documents by author:5
Total citations:14
Google Scholar ID: B1sT8KsAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Education 2009 – MSc, Intelligent Decision Support system, Computer Systems Analyst.

2015 – Candidate of Technical Sciences.

2013 – Assistant of Artificial Intelligence Department.

2015 – Senior lecturer of Artificial Intelligence Department.

2016 – Associate Professor of Artificial Intelligence Department.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: Modern cloud technology & Python, Basic Data Mining, Object-Oriented Programming.

Research activities

Responsible executor section №265-1: «Methodology of intelligent information environment based on cloud computing ‘integrated research №265: «Methods and models of self-intelligent information infrastructure environment, grounded in the principles of cloud computing “(01.01.2012 – 31.12 .2014)

Responsible executor section №294-2: «Ontological development models of intelligent information environment of regional socio-economic facilities’ comprehensive research №294: «Theory, methods and models of intelligent information lifecycle environments regional socio-economic facilities “(01.01 .2015 – 31.12.2017).

International activity / participation in international projects

Participation in the international project “Towards Trust in Quality Assurance Systems” (TRUST) – “National System of Quality Assurance and Mutual Trust in the Higher Education System” 516935-TEMPUS-1-2011-1-FITEMPUS-SMGR (2011/2014 years) within the framework of the national priority: “Ensuring the quality of education”.

Social activities

Curator of the group, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science

Publications and patents

Has more 50 publications