Oleg Zaporozhets

Oleg Zaporozhets
Assistant Professor of Information and Measurement Technology Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: aIR-YYcAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1993 – systems engineering engineer, graduated from the faculty of control systems of the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics named. acad. M.K. Yangel, specialty – automated information processing and control systems; The theme of the graduation project is “Synthesis of an adaptive regulator of reduced order in the system for controlling the power supply of steam generators of nuclear power plants”.

He graduated from the graduate school at the department of technical cybernetics of Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics.

1996 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty 05.13.03 – systems and control processes; The topic of the thesis is “Synthesis of adaptive parametrically optimized low order regulators”.

1997-1998 – Senior Lecturer.

2000 – Associate Professor at the Department of Metrology and Measuring Engineering.

Educational activity

Lecture courses:

  • information measuring systems and complexes,
  • information technologies in quality systems,
  • standardization and certification of software products,
  • means of measuring equipment in information technology,
  • metrology, technological measurements and instruments.

Methodological support: lecture notes, work programs in the disciplines that are being read, test questions for control, and methodological instructions on the course reading.

Researcher activity

Research interests: information-measuring systems, adaptive digital signal processing, artificial neural networks.

Research topics and projects: state budget – “Development of the theoretical foundations of adaptive management and mathematical support of control systems for non-stationary stochastic objects under conditions of a priori uncertainty, taking into account restrictions based on parametrically optimized regulators (No. GR 019710012130)”, “Development of an electromagnetic monitoring system for industrial areas ( No. GR 010410005147) “.

Head of postgraduate training.

The general experience of scientific and scientific-pedagogical work is 19 years.

Publications and patents

39 publications, including articles and abstracts at international conferences.