Oleg Mikhal

Oleg Mikhal
Professor of the Department of Electronic Computers, Member of STC, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Assistant professor
Google Scholar ID: P5E2kvUAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Higher education (KhIRE, 1975);

Ph.D., 1992;

Doctor of Technical Sciences, 2008;

engineer-designer of the Central Design Bureau “Proton” since 1975, scientific employee of the SPA “Metrology” since 1979;

teacher of KNURE since 2000.

Educational activity

Lecture courses “Programming in the Internet”, “Network Programming”, “Fuzzy Logic”, “Expert Systems”, “Mathematical Packages”.

Research activities

According to the publications, from 1974 to the present.

Publications and patents

More than 300 publications, 17 patents.