Oksana Zhydkova

Oksana Zhydkova
Senior Lecturer of Philosophy Department, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control
Google Scholar ID: d2U5q3YAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1980 she graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics specialty “Systems engineering”

From 1996 to 1999 she graduated school at the Department of Kharkov National University of Radii Electronics in philosophy of Science Specialty

The main stages of pedagogical activity:

1999-2012 – Assistant Department of Philosophy Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics,

2012 – Senior Lecturer Department of Philosophy Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: “Philosophy”, “Information society”.

Social activities

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Computer Engineering and Control for Educational Work.

Publications and patents

Has over 50 publications, took part in writing 3 monographs.