Oksana Vadimovna Parfyonova

Oksana Vadimovna Parfyonova
Associate professor of Department of Foreign Languages, Cand. Sc. (Education)
Google Scholar ID: yc1t-IAAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

2005 – graduated from Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovorodа the specialty “Pedagogy and a methodology of secondary education. Language and Literature (English, French) ”

From 2004-2007 worked at the ETC Lyceum №141 and in the secondary school № 64.

From 2007-2008 worked as a trainee lecturer at Kharkiv National Highway University.

From 2008 to 2014 worked as a Assistant Professor at the Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts.

Since 2014 and till now  –  assistant professor at Kharkov national university of radio electronics.

In 2014 – candidate of pedagogical sciences.

Educational activity

Academic subjects: English, Business English, English for professional activity, Academic English, Grammar of English, Spoken English, Theory and Practice of Translation

Researcher activity

2014 – defense dissertation at the State University “Lugansk National Taras Shevchenko University”, specializing in the theory and methodology of education. Dissertation theme “Formation of ethno-artistic culture of future designers in extracurricular activities”
Scientific publications in professional publications
Participation in scientific conferences

International activity / participation in international projects

Scientific and pedagogical internship (online) in European Global Educational Academy (Cologne, Germany) from the 1st of September 2021 to 28th of February 2022 on the theme “Organization of the educational process in the field of philological science: world experience and national practice” in the amount of 6 credits ECTS (180 hours) for examination result: Excellent A.

Social activities

Member of the Council in Methodology in KNURE

Performing the functions of the student’s scientific supervisor in preparation for writing theses, articles, reports for participation in international conferences.

Publications and patents

1. 2 scientific publications in the specialized indexed scientometric databases of the publication.

2. 42 scientific publications (articles and theses) in other international and professional publications.
3. Participation in 55 international, all-Ukrainian and university scientific-practical and scientific-methodological conferences.