Nataliya Bilous

Nataliya Bilous
Professor of Software Engineering Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences (Ph.D.), PhD, Director (on a voluntary basis) the Outsourcing Scientific Training And Production Center (OSTPC)
Google Scholar ID: Ryp1nIsAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1989 she graduated from the Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics specialty “Automated control systems”.

1995 – Ph.D. Thesis defended December,21 1995 at Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics.

1994 – Assistant Professor of the POAS Department in Kharkov University of Radio Electronics.

1997 – Associate Professor of POAS Department in Kharkov University of Radio Electronics.

2005 – Professor of Software Engineering Department of Kharkov National University of Radio Electronics.

2014р. – internship at Dresden Technical University, Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany.

2020р. – internship in a private enterprise “РИИТ”, order №569К, 22.06.20.

Educational activity

In recent years, I have taught following courses: computer discrete mathematics, the basics of discrete mathematics, multimedia systems, business foreign language, numerical methods and high-tech calculations, information technology in computer vision systems, logical analysis, image recognition and image processing

Research activities

Since 2005 – head of the research laboratory of Information Technologies in Learning and Computer Vision Systems.

The site of the laboratory

 2004–2015 – Head of subdivisions of next state budget R&D projects No. 178-2, 211-3, 246-3, 272-2.

2009–2010 Rresponsible resourcher of the grant subject of the Ministry of Education and Science “Creation and introduction into the educational process of the programs complex for current and final control of knowledge and evaluation of the test tasks quality”

2007–2010 – participated in research workshops: “Research and analysis of modern methods of evaluation of ACL, the quality of registration and interpolation of electrocardiogram”, “Development of the subsystem of image analysis”

Since 2013 – Director of Outsourcing Scientific Training and Production Center (OSTPC), funded within EU TEMPUS project.

OSTPC sites:

 2013, 2015 – co-organizer of  ICCUBITO, ITIB conferences.

Conference website:,    which is registered with the support of the IEEE association.

2010–2021, participation in the preparation of applications for  regional, state and international competitions and grants: state funding, FP7, Canadian Fund, SFFR (Ukrainian-Belarusian, Ukrainian-Bulgarian projects for research), USAID, YEP etc.

International activities / participation in international projects

2012-2016 – UA Coordinator of IHSITOP TEMPUS Project 530319

2014 – Internship under the budget of Ministry Education and Science program N 2201250 «Training, internship, advanced training of students, postgraduate students, scientific-pedagogical and pedagogical workers abroad» at Dresden Technical University, Dresden, Federal Republic of Germany.

State Awards

Laureate of the State Prize in the field of Science and Technology (2008)

Acknowledgement of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for assistance in the preparation and participation of Kharkiv team in the final stage of the IX All-Ukrainian Tournament in Informatics (2011)

Diploma of the Kharkiv City Council, Department of Education “for active participation in the selection and training meetings, preparation of   Kharkiv team of students of secondary schools to the final stage of IX All-Ukrainian tournament of young computer scientists” (2011)

Diploma from the Main Department of Science and Education of the Kharkiv Regional State Administration for many years of hard work, fruitful scientific and pedagogical activities, significant contribution to the training of highly qualified specialists and on the occasion of the professional holiday of scientists of Ukraine – Science Day (2012)

Acknowledgement of the Kharkiv City Council, Department of Family and Youth “for assistance in preparing of  scientific work for the XVI city competition of scientific student works and education of young scientists” (2011)

Letter acknowledgement from the National Tempus Office “for professionalism in the implementation of the Tempus project” (2013)

Diploma of Project Manager from the National Tempus Office “for initiative, creative search, promoting the development of international cooperation” (2014)

B2 Certificate In   English language skills in delivering presentation

Publications and patents

More than 300, author of 12 textbooks. 14 intellectual property certificates