Nataliia Vasyltsova

Nataliia Vasyltsova
Professor of Information Control System Department, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: nxbvQPMAAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

1980 – Graduated with honors from Kharkov Institute of Radio Electronics (KhІРЕ), specialty «Automated Control Systems». 1980 – engineer, the Junior Researcher at the scientific research sector (SRS) KhІРЕ.

1988 –  Researcher, Senior Researcher SRS KhІРЕ.

1991 –  PHD, specialty 05.13.01 – management in technical systems, thesis defended at the KhІРЕ.

1993 – Senior Lecturer of the Department of ACS. (KhTURE).

1995 –  received the academic title of senior researcher.

1996 – associate professor of the Department of Information Control Systems  (ICS) KhTURE. 2005 – got the title of assistant professor.

Educational activity

Teaches courses: «Discrete Mathematics», «Mathematical Methods of Operations Research», «Discrete Structures», «Project Teams Management».

Researcher activity

In 2003-2005, she was the head of the department IAS «University», which implemented the development and implementation of the information-analytical system «University» in KhNURE.

During the work at the KNURE, she took part in the implementation of 4 contract research and 7 state  budget research.

She was the executor of the state budget research «Development of the information and analytical system with distributed artificial intelligence («University») »; executor of the state budget research «Methods and models for building Web services for business process management tasks in an intelligent information environment»; responsible executor of the state budget issue «Development of models and methods for managing IT projects for the creation, implementation, operation and modernization of intelligent information environments, systems and technologies of regional socio-economic entities»; responsible executor of the contract research «Development of an information management system for the educational process (1st stage)»; executor of the contract research «Development of specifications for the information technology of integration of heterogeneous services of the enterprise information management system.

State awards

Medal «For excellent work» (20.08.1986).

Publications and patents

Has over  120 scientific and methodical publications. Author of 3 patents.