Natalia Serdyuk

Natalia Serdyuk
Associate Professor of Department of Information Control Systems, Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Technologies of Information and Communication Systems (part-time),PhD, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: HJAonD4AAAAJ&hl
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

Higher education – KhNURE, systems engineer

1998-2006 – postgraduate studies at KhNURE

2006-2019 – Assistant of the Department of OS KhNURE, Senior Lecturer of the Department of OS KhNURE

2018 – Candidate of Technical Sciences, PhD, specialty 05.13.06 – Information Technologies

Since 2019 – Associate Professor of the Department of Computer Intelligent Technologies and Systems

February 2021 – academic title of Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Intelligent Technologies and Systems

Since 2024 – Associate Professor of the Department of Radio Technologies of Information and Communication Systems (part-time)

Information about the defense of the thesis:

Specialty: 05.13.06 “Information Technologies”

Topic: “Mathematical models, method and information technology for monitoring the state of the production personnel of the enterprise.”

Defense on June 27, 2018 at a meeting of the specialized council K 64.055.03 Kharkiv National Economic University

Educational activity

Teaches disciplines:

  • Pattern recognition based on GPU programming technologies
  • Cloud systems technologies
  • Cloud architecture for building information systems

Researcher activity

Responsible executor of the state budget theme № 294 (№ DR 0115U002430) “Theory, methods and models of life cycle management of intellectual information environments of regional socio-economic objects”

Publications and patents

Author of more than 40 scientific and methodological publications