Natalia Kravets

Natalia Kravets
Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor
Google Scholar ID: wnxpkmsAAAAJ
All timeLast 5 years

Education and Career

In 1994 she graduated from the Kharkov State Technical University of Radio Electronics (KSTURE) with honors specialty «Software of computer technology and automated systems».

1994-2001 – post-graduate student of Kharkiv State Technical University of radioelectronics, specialty 01.05.02-mathematical modeling and computational methods.

2000-2001-Assistant of the Computer Software Department

2001-Candidate of Technical Sciences, the specialty: 01.05.02 «Mathematical modeling and computational methods», the topic: «Predicate Operations Algebras and Their Application in Artificial Intelligence Systems», the defense on 09.10.2001 at the meeting of the specialized Council d 64.052.02 of Kharkiv National University of radioelectronics.

2004  – Associate Professor, Department for Information and Documentary Systems

2017 – Associate Professor of the Department of Software Engineering.

Educational activity

Lecture courses: Parallel programming, Cloud Applications Developing

Research activity

Research interests: Cloud Computing, Data-intensive Applications, Parallel Programming, Data Mining, Information Modeling

Publications and patents

over 70 publications, including 47 scientific and over 27 educational and methodical character