Education and Career
1971 – HIMESH, mechanical engineer;1971-1973 – post-graduate student of the Department of Machine Reliability and Resistance of Materials HIMESH, Candidate of Technical Sciences, specialty – dynamics, strength and reliability of machines;
1996 – Assistant Rector of KNURE, Associate Professor of ICG (MCT) KHNURE.
Educational activity
Lecture courses: mechanics, technical mechanics, applied mechanics for all specialties of KNURE. 3 methodical manuals on the course “Applied Mechanics”; methodical manual for the course project on discipline “Applied Mechanics” for students of all specialties of KNURE; a course of lectures on mechanics in 4 parts.
Research activities
Scientific interests: methods for assessing the reliability and durability of machines and mechanisms; robotics; biomedical engineering.
Social activity
Assistant to the Rector of KNURE
Publications and patents
1. N.D. Yevstratov, A.I. Byh, A.A. Pashchenko. Analysis of the possibilities of existing software tools for virtual planning of surgical interventions on the inner ear of a person // Naukovo-tehnichnyy magazine “Tekhnichna elektrodinamika”. The thematic “Silov e-mail and energy efficiency” issue, 2011. p.309-312
2. Avrunin OG, Dmitriev MD “Using a digital graphics tablet to test individual motor skills of the hands.” 2013 p.
3. Stati zi students: Trunova TO, Karpenko AV, “Use of integral models for visual visualization of the functioning of plane lever mechanisms”. Collection of scientific works of KhNURE 2015 p.
4. Avrunin OG, Dmitriev MD, “Modern methods – olgo-metric diagnostics”, abstracts of the XIV MNC “Physical processes in technical and biological objects”, Kremenchuk metro station, 2016 р.